

 ESL 323 Dowling 👧👨👩 👦👤👱 ⭐THIS CLASS IS COMPLETED!  Have a healthy, peaceful and blessed summer! Homework 1-3:  1. Review your textbook (especially V-VIII) and blog to prepare any last questions about pronunication.  You may also ask questions about pronunciation that are not in the textbook.   2.    Please prepare any suggestions to improve this class for future students.  This is the first time I have taught this class online, and I want to improve!  I will not be insulted if you have negative comments. Most students prefer to be in the classroom, so I cannot change that for the fall.  But I want to do my best for online pronuncation class in the fall.  So please share what was helpful, and what was not helpful! 3. Also, this is your time to say goodbye to your classmates and me as this is our last class and you may not see others or me for a long time. Homework to complete before MAY 12: (1-4) 1. Complete textbook pages 59, 60, 63 and 64.  You will need to use the textbo